The two shipped their bikes to Buenos Aires and began their journey at Calle Araoz 2180 – the address of Che’s old apartment, though it has been demolished and a new building erected in the interim. An Argentine named Gustavo Agra arrived to see them off, on a restored Norton - the very same Norton used in the film. Their first few days were not auspicious: on their first day they were stopped by police for not having their lights on – it didn’t help that Pete’s lights never worked. Somehow they got out of that one without a fine, and after camping out the first night found Steve’s bike would not start – despite ‘doing more kicking than Johnnie Wilkinson’ - towing the bike for a clutch start worked.
In Argentina they were constantly mobbed by locals wanting to see the twin Guevara bikes. After so many questions and photos were snapped, Steve decided to christen his bike ‘Kate Moss’, as he now knows what its like to be so famous. Pete’s bike is called the ‘Cacafuego’, after the famous English pirate ship (whose name means something unprintable and was the scourge of Peru’s Pacific coast a few centuries ago.)
In the town of Temuco, they were interviewed for El Austral, the very same newspaper that had reported on Che and Alberto; they also visited the fire-station and dance hall mentioned in the diaries. However, after Santiago de Chile the similarities with Che’s story and theirs begins to diverge: Che and Alberto ditched their Norton – christened ‘El Poderoso II’ – in Chile, while the Brits have managed to keep theirs going. Their aim is to condense Che and Alberto’s 8-month odyssey into 8 weeks, but delays from customs, landslides, hailstorms, wrong turns, and mechanical problems are already making that deadline look shaky.
Pete’s bike has no rear suspension: that’s how Norton built them in those days. His butt is comforted by spring-saddle and a small cushion taped to the seat. Nevertheless, some of the roads encountered in Peru were so rough they had to change their route; a dust-storm near Nasca even forced them to temporarily abandon their bikes. Leather panniers loaded up with spares, video gear, the English duo must plan their route with care – neither has functioning headlights, and neither rider speaks Spanish. In fact, until they got to Cusco, they were relying on a 1950 Esso road map Pete had picked up on eBay! In Cusco they were able to get better maps, but still had problems identifying some of the smaller towns mentioned in the diaries. When in Cusco they visited a biker-bar called ‘Norton Rats’. Here they were surpised to be informed by American owner and Norton enthusiast Jeff Powers that in the more than 10 years he has run the bar, they are they first he has seen pass through Cusco on Nortons – of any vintage!
While in Iquitos the pair hope to visit the San Pedro Leprosarium, just as Che and Granado did; when Granado re-visited in 2003 during the filming of Salles’ film, at least one patient recognized him. After that, Pete and Steve plan to continue downstream to Leticia then fly to Bogota and ride to Caracas.
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