Oops! My bad. Wrong kind of biker, wrong kind of biker shorts too!
What this is supposed to be is a post about short biker stories.
There is a fellow blogger amongst us who has a knack for writing short stories (biker stories to be specific), like the kind you'd read in an Easy Rider Magazine, or other biker rags.
He goes by the pseudo name Big Daddy Nelson, A.K.A. Big D. for short in the blogger community.
His blog is called Big Daddy's Idle Thoughts .
Anyway, He's been writing shorts on the blog since sometime in 2007, and has a regular following of readers. Comments reviews on the blog are raving.
If you re into a good read for short biker stories, and you like biker rags, this will surely tickle your fancy.
Check out his blog to read the short stories, mixed in with his "regular" posts.
You can click the photo below to access his site.
Give it a looksee and tell me what you think!

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